Wednesday, 17 November 2010

125mm Oscillating Hoe – SPECIAL OFFER!

When a well-known gardening magazine contacted us and asked for an oscillating hoe to review, we were a little surprised that they did not expect to pay for it! However, they said that they would be sure to return it in saleable condition. After a bit of chasing, they did return it, but hardly 'as new'!
So here it is, just a little soil-marked and showing where it was screwed to the handle, but once you have used a new one for a couple of minutes it would be in the same condition.  SOLD !

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

BroadFork Handles In Stock

Yes, as expected, we now have a stock of handles for the BroadFork.  These are simple 1½" (38mm) diameter solid ash poles, 48" (1200 mm) long.  You will need to 'square off' the ends to fit into the sockets on the BroadFork, and you will probably also want to round over the other ends at the top of the handles.  See the revised website page at

Saturday, 18 September 2010

BroadFork Handles – Good News!

Seems like we have found an alternative source, and the price may be a bit lower! More details soon.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

BroadFork Handles

Thought you ought to know that we are having difficulty finding anyone in the UK who has any stock of the Post Hole Digger Handles!  No one seems to expect any until about September!

Collinear Hoe – Special Offer SORRY, IT'S SOLD !

The Collinear Hoe was the first of the Glaser Tools that we heard of, and it remains a firm favourite for shallow hoeing, shaving the seedling weeds off the surface before they get established.  Here is one where the galvanising has become discoloured, so it doesn't look so good – though we're sure it will work just as well!
Normal price £21.40 for either the 175mm or the 100mm version.  Special for this one £15.90.  Or if you want both 175 and 100mm blades, £24.70.  (normal price £30.20).  Prices include UK postage.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Micro 20s change colour . . .

. . . no change otherwise; still the same simple tool producing 20 x ¾" soil blocks (20mm).

Friday, 7 May 2010

BroadForks are selling!

You may have noticed that we started stocking BroadForks in March – at last! 

Malcolm Johnson in Sussex makes them, and we initially took delivery of 3.  Now 2 have gone, and Malcolm has just sent us another 2.

We're a bit envious, really, with no land to use them on ourselves.  If we were back in Devon, Dave would have been out there in the field, trying one out at the first opportunity!  Not much point in deep-cultivating the canal towpath, and it might not be appreciated by other canal travellers!

So, we'll just have to rely on the feedback we get from our customers.  We'll publish it here for everyone's benefit, in our new Feedback section.

Meanwhile, have a look at this video clip by an American broadforker, Larry Cooper of Gulland Forge.

Also see Eliot Coleman's comments in his books The New Organic Grower and Four-Season Harvest.  You can buy these books here or through our website.
P.S. The links here take you to the USA Amazon site, with the prices in dollars.  The links on our website take you to the UK Amazon site, with prices in UK pounds.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Busy Times!

It felt as if we had been a bit busier than usual recently, and I just checked our records.  The number of orders we have processed from April 6th (beginning of the financial year) up to today is the same number that we dealt with between April 6th and June 24th in 2009 – Wow!

One of the main reasons has been the continuing interest in Soil Blockers from customers in Australia.  It was busy during their summer, but the orders still keep coming in, even if it is their autumn now.  'No worries', we are very happy to help!

Monday, 3 May 2010

Two Mini 4 Blockers at reduced price – SORRY, BOTH GONE NOW!

We have 2 x Ladbrooke's Mini 4 Soil Blockers available at reduced price.  

As you can see from this photo, they were damaged in transit but still work satisfactorily.

Normal price £16.30 each including UK postage and both short and long seed pins.

Reduced price for these 2 only:  £10.00 each including UK postage and both short and long seed pins.

Email us for the opportunity to buy one of these.  We shall send a PayPal Invoice for £10.00 to the first two customers to apply, and the blockers will be posted when your payment is confirmed.

We'll update the blog to let you know when they have been sold.  BOTH HAVE NOW GONE (3rd March 2011).